Our People

Our team are all experienced, and qualified in their discipline, whether that is Agile, Change Management, Project or Program Management, IMO / EPMO, Business Analyst, or other.

Personal development

We believe in personal growth and development and we want to build a team of trusted, high performers. Personal development as an independent contractor is often sporadic and fills in down-time - we want it to be part of the regular activity of key team members and will work with our team to coordinate a strong overall capability for PPC people.


We believe in genuine reward for commitment, quality, team fit, and effort. While ownership of the brand and the methodology resides with PPC, ownership of growth and custom can and should be wider if we are to be a sustainable brand. We will put that into action, at our discretion, with our core team.


Quality is everything. We will only associate with organisations and people who desire the same.

Outcomes Focused      

This is a business that is focused on outcomes for our customers or clients. We are interested in delivering quality above all, adding value to our customers business, and converting that into repeat business. We value long term reputation and trust ahead of short term goals.


We enjoy the company of others, and value our connections into business in all sectors, and into other like-minded organisations. We encourage our team to build connections and we want to help structure those into work relationships that benefit the whole team.


We like working in a team. Good teams work together and play together. Each month, following our development session, we put this into action.